
Scheduling algorithms: O.S

Home Scheduling algorithms:  Process Queues:The Operating system manages various types of queues for each of the process states. The PCB related to the process is also stored in the queue of the same state Process scheduling is an essential part of a Multiprogramming operating systems. Times related to the Process 1. Arrival Time The time at which the process enters into the ready queue is called the arrival time. 2. Burst Time The total amount of time required by the CPU to execute the whole process is called the Burst Time. 3. Completion Time The Time at which the process enters into the completion state or the time at which the process completes its execution, is called completion time. 4. Turnaround time The total amount of time spent by the process from its arrival to its completion, is called Turnaround time.  5. Waiting Time The Total amount of time for which the process waits for the CPU to be assigned is called waiting time.  6. Resp

List of papers Published in Journals

List of papers Published in Journals Ø  R. Prabahari, M. Ramalingam , ” An Eminent Way Of An Improving A Denclue Algorithm Approach For Outlier Mining In Large Database ”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering ,Vol.6(10), Oct 2018, ISSN: 2347-2693. Ø  M. Ramalingam, P. Prabhusundhar, R.Prabhahari, V.Azhaharasan, K. Yuvaraj , “Classifications of Biometric Security Authentication and Cluster Based Intrusion Detection, Prevention Technique in Mobile Ad-hoc Network”,  ISSN 2319 – 1953 ,  International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies ,Volume 7, Issue 4 (July 2018). Ø  R. Nagaraj ,  M. Ramalingam ,  K. Sathishkumar , “ Contextual Clustering Algorithm and Sentence Clustering Based Fuzzy Relational Hierarchical Clustering for Document Clustering”,  ISSN 2319 – 1953 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies IJSRCSAMS Volume 7, Issue 3 

Context Switching in Operating System


(PCB) or Task Control Block (TCB)

Home (PCB)   or   Task   Control   Block   (TCB) •   As   the   operating   system   supports   multi-programmin g ,   it   needs   to keep track of all the processes •   T he   process   control   block   (PCB)   is   used   to   track   the   proces s ’s execution status. •   Each   block   of   memory   contains   information   about   the   process   state,   program   counter,   stack   pointe r ,   status   of   opened   files, scheduling algorithms, etc. •   All   these   information   is   required   and   must   be   saved   when   the  process   is   switched   from one state to anothe r . •   The   process   table   is   an   array   of   PCB’s,   that   means   logically contains a PCB for all of the current processes in the system. (PCB) •   P rocess   table   is   an   array   or   linked   list •   The process table is an  a rray of PCB’s, that means logically contains a PCB for all of the current proce

Process Table and Process Control Block

Home Context   Switching   in   Operating   System •   A   context   switch   is   the   mechanism   to   store   and   restore   the   state   or context   of   a   CPU   in   Process   Control   block   so   that   a   process execution can be resumed from the same point at a later time. Context   Switching   Trigger s : There are   three   major   triggers for context switching. Multitasking:   In   a   multitasking   environment,   a   process   is   switched out of the CPU so another process can be run. •   The   state   of   the   old   process   is   saved   and   the   state   of   the   new process is loaded. •   On   a   pre-emptive   system,   processes   may   be   switched   out   by   the scheduler. Interrupt   Handling:   The   hardware   switches   a   part   of   the   context when   an   interrupt   occurs.   This   happens   automatically.   Only   some of   the   context   is   changed   to   minimize   the   tim